In May as units were operating a numerous storm related calls, County dispatched the company for a reported SUV on fire pulling a trailer, 283 West Bound prior to the Tollhouse Road exit. Chief 54-1(Nissley) Engine 54-1 and the Utility went enroute from multiple trees down on 441. Chief 54-1 arrived and blocked traffic so Engine 1 could come East Bound on the West Bound side. Engine 54-1 arrived and pulled a line to knock down the fire. Tanker 54 arrived and supplied water to Engine 1. Units made quick work of the fire as other numerous calls were stacking up for other storm related calls. As units were were operating here, Engine 54 went to trees and wires down on River Road.

Command: Deputy Chief Nissley
Units: Engine 54-1, Tanker 54 and Utility 54