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This was a year of building and growing as a fire company. Meetings were held at various locations in the township, the Middletown Merchandise Mart (Big M / Saturday's Market), Corby's Garage on East Harrisburg Pike and the Black Oak Schoolhouse on Colebrook Road. The company was often referred to as the "Gypsy Fire Company" because of the lack of a permanent location. Beginning in February, each member paid $0.25 per meeting to establish the Fireman's Relief Association. The company also obtained a tax exemption number as a non-profit organization. Also in February, the portable pump arrived, it was a Gordon Rupp pump and came with two ten-foot 2 1/2 inch suction hoses. In March, the company adopted bingo and 300 clubs as their main fundraisers. Bingo was held initially at the Big M and then moved to the Black Oak School. In June, the meetings moved to the Black Oak School.

There were many meetings during these early years where the bills were paid by passing the hat. If the hat came back without enough money, it would be passed around again. In August, the company started the use of coin cards as an annual fundraiser. The end of the year found the fire company still looking for a permanent home in the Township.