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The Londonderry Township Special Fire Police are volunteers, members of the fire company, who provide essential traffic and crowd control at fires, emergencies and other events in our communities. These community services have provided protection to emergency responders and the public that otherwise would probably not have been available due to understaffing, thinly stretched or more focused State Police and local municipal police forces.
Volunteers learn, in the classroom, how to respond in emergencies to protect the fire fighters and equipment by safely controlling traffic and crowds. We also are taught about Haz-mat recognition and identification and information about the National Incident Management System. Training is essential and ongoing with many classes available each year.
After proper training, a Londonderry Township Special Fire Police officer is sworn in as a police officer, but has limited powers. She or he is then allowed on the street for on the job training and evaluation.
Utility 54 has been set up for Fire Police response to emergencies. It contains the equipment used by the fire police and has seating for 5.
The Fire Police have responded to many calls of accidents, fires, power lines and trees that may interfere with traffic and request for traffic control at special events within the Township and bordering communities
We Are Looking for Men and Women Interested in Joining the Fire police. We meet the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm at the firehouse. Stop in and join us or contact us at:
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944-2030 or 520-1951
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