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The new year began with no progress on the building. By February, Mr. McCorkel had refused to rebuild the building. The company was offered help from Mylin Messick in the rebuilding. In March, the rebuilding was underway and had again reached the point of setting the trusses. A little humor was needed, Crist Carlson donated a fifth of Four Roses Whiskey, to be given to the crane operator, if he does a good job. If he does not, then the company is to drink the whiskey. Also in March, the trucks were designated to be called as radio call signs (#1-pumper, #2-small tank, #3-tractor trailer). March also saw the Ladies Auxiliary buying the first new six pair of boots for the men. In August, the officers are saying “help is needed, too many chiefs-not enough Indians”. The company holds a chicken BBQ with Maytown and another fair at Dolly Mac’s. In September, the officers stated “either get some volunteers or we will contract out and this will cost money”.

Following this plea, volunteers arrived to help with the construction of the building. The by-laws were approved to and including Article 3. The good firehouse fairy, one of which exists at all volunteer fire companies, acquired bridge grating for the front of the engine bays.