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The year began with the new by-laws going into effect. Also, in January, the grating obtained last December was cut-up for the drains in the engine bays. This grating came from the old bridge on Deodate Rd. In February, a pay phone was installed in the firehouse. In March, the company passed the by-laws Article 4, Section 4, Sub-section C, establishing the membership dues at $2.00 payable from October until the end of the year. After the beginning of the new year, the dues are $3.00 until the end of March. After the end of March, if dues have not been paid, the member is expelled and must reapply. In June, the company sent a letter to the county commissioners to get approval of the firehouse as a polling place in the township. In the summer, the building was sufficiently ready to occupy, but construction continued into the summer of 1970. The construction had been delayed for almost a year and finances were strained. Most of the construction was accomplished with volunteer labor by the fireman.

They laid block, did carpentry, wiring, heating, painting, roofing, etc. In other words, they did it all! In July, a soda machine was installed in the firehouse. In September, a motion was made to donate the use of the firehouse social hall to other non-profit township organizations free of charge, as long as it did not conflict with the fire company activities. The men and ladies auxiliary worked together to install the kitchen doors and the cabinets. We also obtained fire insurance for the building.