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In April, the remodeling of the kitchen was completed. The company adopted the color “lime yellow” for the fire equipment by a vote of 15-4. In May, the company adopted a revised constitution and by-laws. In June, the flood Agnes hit the township and the firehouse was used to shelter 93 people/45 families. The firefighters and auxiliary members logged thousands of hours helping many township residents and a few others, like the banana truck driver who tried to drive through the water in front of Stephanie’s 230 Diner. The flood did point out a need for two new services in the township. One need was for a water rescue service and the other was the need for an ambulance service. In August, the company purchased a rescue boat and motor. To make the system complete, the boat trailer was donated by a township resident. The search also began to look for a used ambulance. In October, the company voted to sponsor the Boy Scouts Troop 97.

The company entered our second pumping competition in the Borough of Middletown. The participants were the three Middletown companies, Lower Swatara Fire Co and of course, Londonderry. We placed first in every event, proving Londonderry was here to stay. In December, the company purchased a used ambulance from the Hummelstown Fire Company. It was a 1966 Pontiac and was delivered to the fire company at the annual Christmas party by none other than Santa Claus himself.