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On January 1st the ambulance was placed into service. In January, we also took the bullet wagon out of service to be refurbished. The members took the truck completely apart. The tank was repaired, the body and chassis rewired and it was painted the company color “lime yellow”. This was all accomplished with volunteer help in our station. The company purchased a 2 ½ inch “Y” gate for the bullet wagon. The president, recording secretary and financial secretary, along with the treasurer were authorized to sign the fire company checks. In February, the truck committee reported that the tanker specifications were almost completed. The company purchased six new helmets, six Nomex turnout coats and one pair of boots. The company also authorized the issuance of keys to the building to the woman who were riding the ambulance. In March, another turning point for the fire company. Susan Mason wrote a letter to the company to request females to join the fire company.

At this time, no action was taken on this request. The company approached Mr. Hahn and Mr. Kopp about permission to install drafting hydrants on their ponds. In April, a mutual aid agreement was reached with Middletown. They would send one engine on structure fires, Attack 1 on brush fires until Engine 54-1 (brush truck) was returned into service and also Rescue 1 on all vehicle accidents. In June, the company agreed to provide fire protection to Conewago Township in cooperation with three other fire companies. In July, the company joined the Dauphin County Fireman’s Association. On July 26th, Attack 1 from Middletown was demolished while responding to a fire call in Cedar Manor Trailer Park. This accident resulted in the death of one fireman, Charles “Pete” Waple, and injuries to three other firefighters. The company mourned with all the surrounding fire companies in this great loss of life. In September, the kitchen improvement project loan was paid off in full. In October, the company purchased a 25 HP Chrysler motor for the boat at a cost of $515.80. We also purchased 800 ft. of 1 ½ inch hose with Pyrolite couplings at a price of $0.95 per foot. During this year a truck committee was busy writing specifications for a new tanker. The specifications were approved and bids were solicited from various companies. The winning bid was approved at the April 8th meeting from Howe in Roanoke Va. They bid $51,000.00 to build a 2500 gallon tank with a 1000 GPM waterous pump. This new tanker was really a combination of a pumper and a tanker. The company had recognized the need for a new tanker but had also recognized a need for a second engine. The problem was we only had enough space for one piece of equipment. Thus we combined the two with this specification. This piece had several innovations thanks to a progressive truck committee. The new tanker-pumper would have a diesel engine, an automatic transmission (the first in the county), five-man cab with jump-seats, lime yellow in color (also a first in the county), 3 inch piping and valves, two 3 inch lines from the tank to the pump and two 3 inch lines from the pump to the tank. This unit would also be equipped with all the equipment required for a Class A pumper. This would be the first new piece of equipment ever purchased by the Londonderry Fire Co. No. 1.