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In April, a motion was made and passed to sell the 1954 Chevy panel truck and 1954 International fuel tank truck. In the summer $11,000.00 worth of equipment was purchased. Federal Revenue Sharing Funds were made possible with the help of the township supervisors. The equipment purchased included additional air packs, turn out gear, nozzles and 4 inch large diameter hose (LDH). There were many lively discussions about the hose. Some said “we are a rural company and that stuff is just for city boys” or “your are wasting money, we will never use that stuff”. Well, about two days after we put the LDH in service, we were laying it on the street for a structure fire in lower Royalton. By the way, this was the first LDH in Dauphin County. Can you believe how far we came to this date! In September, the company loaned the 1954 International fuel truck to Powell’s Valley Fire Co., they rolled their tanker and needed something until it could be repaired.

The ambulance committee placed specifications for a new ambulance out on bid. In November, the bids were back and a motion was made and passed to buy a new ambulance from Horton, Ohio for $24,759.00. The company had over half the price and received help from the Ladies Auxiliary and the township supervisors.