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In January, the Ambulance became a branch of the fire company and so this is when the discussion of women joining the fire company was started. A by-laws amendment was highly discussed. One male member says “if they can take the language we use, then it is OK with me”. The amendment passes. In February, the first women filed applications to join the fire company. This was another BIG turning point in the fire company’s growth. There is also a motion to sell the 1966 Pontiac ambulance for no less than $500.00. In March, the first females are voted in as members of the fire company. In April, a state tax exemption number is obtained for the fire company. In May, the ambulance becomes a member of the Emergency Health Council of Dauphin County. Also in May, the company patch is designed and approved. In late July, the company loaned the Pontiac ambulance to West Taylor Township Fire Co. in Tanneryville, near Johnstown. Their ambulance was destroyed in the fierce Johnstown flood.

Several members made a trip to Tanneryville to present the ambulance to their fire company. What a memorable day for all who made the trip. At the August meeting, a motion was made and passed to donate the 1966 Pontiac ambulance to the West Taylor Township Fire Co. We also purchased a current boat trailer and sold the old one to Steve Goho for $25.00. In September, the company received a special citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the donation of the Pontiac ambulance to Tanneryville. Late in the year, after again many lively discussions, the building committee decided to have plans drawn up for a new boiler room, restrooms, an entry way into the social hall with storage area for the Ladies Auxiliary, two new apparatus bays, new office area, a committee/training meeting room, a TV/ready room and also a maintenance bay. The plans were approved by the State Department of Labor and Industry. The first phase was put out on bid.