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In January, a glass-covered bulletin board was installed in the firehouse. This was used for important papers like, drivers list, blue light list, etc. In February, the Middletown Hemlock Hall fire occurred in the Village of Pineford. We laid the LDH and supplied a large portion of the water using all three engines. The Mack and the tanker-pumper were on hydrants and the bullet wagon was using a portable pump and its pump to supply water from the Swatara Creek. This is what it takes for teamwork. Also in February, the bids were received for phase one of the project. The bids were too high, so the company decided to do all the work, except heating and electrical. By March, the new boiler and restrooms were installed and the remainder of phase one is underway. The senior citizens group in the township began to use the social hall. In April, we held a ham and bean soup sale as a fundraiser.

In May, the old squad truck was put out of service. Late in the year, funds were allocated to purchase a used forestry truck at auction. It was purchased for $1350.00 and repairs were underway. In June, the company began to do pool fills for extra money. In July, the design was chosen for the company brass, which was paid for by the members. In August, the auxiliary donates $3500.00 for the new boiler and heating system. In November, a junior member sign-in book is started, as required by law.