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In January, the exhaust fan and grill were installed the kitchen. Bids were received for the electrical wiring on the addition, Glenn Sadler’s bid for $1100.00 was accepted. We established a fire scene dress code for junior members, red helmets and they must follow a line officer. A need for a doctors excuse was established to return to duty. No pets are allowed in the fire hall. We traded with Union Hose Co. of Middletown a stokes basket for seven pair of bunker pants. We also changed the name of chief driver to engineer. In February, an agreement was reached between the Ladies Auxiliary and the fire company on the use of the kitchen. We also voted to move one night of bingo from Saturday night to Friday due to competition. In March, the metal stalls are installed in the restrooms. The Lion’s Club is granted permission to meet in the social hall on Wednesday nights. In May, we built a dunk tank for our carnivals.

We also purchased a 25 HP Evinrude boat motor for $791.50 and sold the old motor for $150.00. In July, the hall rentals were raised to $150.00 for non-member and $75.00 for members. We also put in place a purchase order system. In October, a motion was made and passed to buy new mobile radios for the chief’s vehicles. In November, a rule was approved to require that all members riding the apparatus must have 10 hours of mandatory training and this training must be within one year of joining the fire company. Two more hydrants were put in service, one at Colebrook Road and Iron Mine Run Road and the second at Colebrook Road and Route 283.