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In January, the 1994 Ford/Horton ambulance went into service. A motion was made to have the bathrooms and hallway redone by our member Butch Byers for a price not to exceed $10,000.00. In March, a motion was made to advertise in the PA Fireman to sell the old 74 Howe Tanker for $50,000.00. In April, the bathrooms and hallway was completed by Butch Byers. What a great job! June meeting a bid was accepted for $9,650.00 to construct a pole barn in back of the firehouse. In August, a motion was made to spend $2,500.00 for purchases of bunk beds and lockers for the bunkroom. On November 16th the new 1994 Spartan/Saulsbury Tanker was delivered. All the work was worth it now!