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In the beginning of the year, a few fire company members met with the members of the Middletown Fire Stations to co-host the Dauphin County Fireman’s Convention in June of 2002. The plans were on there way with many hours spent to prepare for this big event! In April, the new boat was delivered. Much more work needed to be done before it was put in service. We also received a check for $2,750.00 from the PA Bureau of Forestry for much needed forestry equipment. In June, we sold the old boat to Paul Sload for $2,000.00 and decided to house the Dauphin County Hazmat unit at our station. July, a motion was made to award the bid to Easy Siders in the amount of $56,200.00 to do the new addition by the social hall side of the firehouse. In September, a motion was made to purchase a 2001 PL Custom Ambulance by the dealer Wolfington to replace the old 1994 Horton ambulance. The total price was $93,717.00 with the old ambulance as trade-in. In October, the township paid $13,754.00 on the emergency pre-emption devices for the red lights in the township.