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Today, at 16:34, County dispatched Company 54 and Rescue 88 to the 54-7 Box at 4319 East Harrisburg Pike, for an accident with reported injuries and entrapment. Captain 54-1 (Kandrac) was on-scene and confirmed of three injuries with one patient entrapped in the vehicle. Engine 54 went enroute and once arrived, crews went to work by pulling rescue tools and securing both vehicles and stablizing the vehicle with the entrapped patient. A fire suppression line was also pulled from Engine 54 in case of a fire. Rescue 88 arrived minutes later and assisted with the extrication. Both crews went to work to remove the roof from the vehicle, allowing better access to the patient, and also aid in the extrication of the patient. The crews worked quickly to remove the patient, and once extricated, the patient was placed in the care of EMS responders. Rescue 88 was then released by Command. Crews from 54 remained on scene until both vehicle were removed from the roadway by Cockers Towing. The box was then placed in service.

Command: Chief 54 (Shellenhamer)
Units: Engine 54, OIC 54 and Rescue 88. Ambulances 7-3, 7-4, 4 and 54. Pennsylvania State Police and Cockers Towing.