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Company History

On January 1st the ambulance was placed into service. In January, we also took the bullet wagon out of service to be refurbished. The members took the truck completely apart. The tank was repaired, the body and chassis rewired and it was painted the company color “lime yellow”. This was all accomplished with volunteer help in our station. The company purchased a 2 ½ inch “Y” gate for the bullet wagon. The president, recording secretary and financial secretary, along with the treasurer were authorized to sign the fire company checks. In February, the truck committee reported that the tanker specifications were almost completed. The company purchased six new helmets, six Nomex turnout coats and one pair of boots. The company also authorized the issuance of keys to the building to the woman who were riding the ambulance. In March, another turning point for the fire company. Susan Mason wrote a letter to the company to request females to join the fire company.

Read more: 1973

In the beginning of the year, Dauphin County Control is in the process of switching to a new radio system. Through bulk purchases by the county, four new channel solid-state radios are made available to the county fire companies. Our company votes to purchase three of these radios, one each for the engine, ambulance and new tanker. The dispatch frequency is also changing from 33.90 to 33.80 and two additional frequencies are being added, one for fire ground (33.84) and one for ambulance to hospital communication (33.86). In March, the radios arrived and were installed. In May, a fire police class was held at the township building and eleven people attended. July was one of the lowest and highest points of the fire company. The lowest came when our Mack was involved in a head on collision while responding to a reported mobile home fire at the intersection of Engle Road and River Road. The Mack collided with the vehicle of the company’s Chief Driver, Francis “Sam” Fullerton.

Read more: 1974

In April, a motion was made and passed to sell the 1954 Chevy panel truck and 1954 International fuel tank truck. In the summer $11,000.00 worth of equipment was purchased. Federal Revenue Sharing Funds were made possible with the help of the township supervisors. The equipment purchased included additional air packs, turn out gear, nozzles and 4 inch large diameter hose (LDH). There were many lively discussions about the hose. Some said “we are a rural company and that stuff is just for city boys” or “your are wasting money, we will never use that stuff”. Well, about two days after we put the LDH in service, we were laying it on the street for a structure fire in lower Royalton. By the way, this was the first LDH in Dauphin County. Can you believe how far we came to this date! In September, the company loaned the 1954 International fuel truck to Powell’s Valley Fire Co., they rolled their tanker and needed something until it could be repaired.

Read more: 1975

In January, the company sold the 1954 International to Fisherville Fire Co. for $1.00. Fisherville was a young fire company, younger than us, believe it or not. This time we can help give back to other fire companies, like we were helped in the beginning. On January 14th, with the funds being assured, we ordered the new Horton 500 ambulance on a Dodge chassis, what another highlight in our history. On June 12th the new ambulance arrived and on July 4th, at the Sunset Park Bicentennial Celebration, the new ambulance was dedicated. In December, a by-laws amendment is proposed to allow woman to join the fire company, this was due to insurance purposes with running on the ambulance. Later in the month, the State Boiler Division told the company that they no longer approved the existing heating system, a year was given to submit plans for a new system.

Read more: 1976

In January, the Ambulance became a branch of the fire company and so this is when the discussion of women joining the fire company was started. A by-laws amendment was highly discussed. One male member says “if they can take the language we use, then it is OK with me”. The amendment passes. In February, the first women filed applications to join the fire company. This was another BIG turning point in the fire company’s growth. There is also a motion to sell the 1966 Pontiac ambulance for no less than $500.00. In March, the first females are voted in as members of the fire company. In April, a state tax exemption number is obtained for the fire company. In May, the ambulance becomes a member of the Emergency Health Council of Dauphin County. Also in May, the company patch is designed and approved. In late July, the company loaned the Pontiac ambulance to West Taylor Township Fire Co. in Tanneryville, near Johnstown. Their ambulance was destroyed in the fierce Johnstown flood.

Read more: 1977

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  1. 1978
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